Scaling and Root Planing Decatur, GA

Scaling andRoot Planing

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About Scaling and Root Planing Decatur, GA

MINT dentistry in Decatur, GA, wants to help patients of all ages achieve a beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime. We prefer to help you avoid dental problems by recommending proactive oral health care like exams and cleanings. Still, if you have symptoms of periodontal issues, your normal cleaning twice a year might need extra help. MINT dentistry uses advanced equipment and techniques to help stop the advancement of periodontitis with scaling and root planing (SRP) treatment. SRP is a simple procedure completed by our MINT dental professionals to clear away tartar and plaque deposits collected below the gumline within the spaces separating your teeth and gums. This treatment works to help control active gum disease, heal the gum tissues, and boost your gum health. If you have reason to believe you are suffering from gum disease, contact us to make an appointment at our modern office in Decatur, GA. If you want to improve or maintain your oral health, we can help you achieve a sexy, attractive smile with both preventive and advanced treatments.

Do I Need Scaling and Root Planing?

Scaling and root planing might be the correct treatment once you experience advanced gum disease. Periodontal (gum) disease advances when harmful oral bacteria grow on the plaque and tartar that form on the gum tissues. Once the bacteria is present, it causes your gum tissue to separate from the teeth and can deteriorate the jawbone. At your annual examination, one of our skilled MINT dental professionals will assess your periodontal pockets and take radiographs to review the amount of bone supporting your teeth. If the depths are three millimeters or greater and we can detect the breakdown of bone tissue on your x-rays, scaling and root planing treatment may be the recommended option. A few symptoms of a periodontal infection are often chronic halitosis (bad breath), tooth mobility, swollen gums that are tender, have started to become red, bleed easily, or recede. If the gum disease gets discovered early on, scaling and root planing therapy can minimize the condition. However, if it has developed into advanced periodontitis (the later stages) you might need another treatment to address your oral health needs.

What Does Scaling and Root Planing Involve?

We numb your gums and administer local anesthesia during an SRP treatment in our Decatur, GA office. We may also recommend one of our sedation dentistry techniques if you feel anxious or stressed about having this procedure. We'll ask you to sit back and relax in a massaging chair to start your SRP treatment. Once you've put on a set of Beats headphones and selected some music, we'll provide you with MINT shades to help you feel at ease. Once prepped, a member of our dental team will use hand and ultrasonic instruments to remove plaque and tartar accumulation within your periodontal pockets carefully. We will then carefully plane (smooth) the tooth roots. Developing a healthy, smooth area encourages the soft tissues to grow back against the root surfaces and reduces the spaces where disease-causing plaque and tartar can cause damage.

SRP Therapy Aftercare Instructions

You’ll notice some temporary numbness after the treatment from the local anesthetic. It is also normal to have gum tenderness and temperature sensitivity for the next few days. Our MINT dentistry practitioners will provide you with aftercare directions on how to care for your mouth during recovery. It is important to maintain a thorough oral hygiene routine at home on a daily basis, which includes flossing and brushing at least twice a day, to keep your smile healthy and bright. Our Decatur, GA dental experts might recommend a periodontal maintenance program to help discourage periodontitis and help stop active periodontal problems from developing. Scheduled 3 – 4 times a year, periodontal maintenance visits replace biannual dental cleanings and allow our practitioners to track your gum and jawbone health.

The MINT Commitment

Most dental insurance generally covers scaling and root planing, at least partly. If you are using insurance, our administrative team will reach out to your carrier to understand your coverage and personal costs. For patients who don't have insurance, MINT dentistry in Decatur, GA is dedicated to helping you afford your dental procedures by accepting several payment methods, including low-interest medical financing, which we can discuss during your consultation. Ask us how we can help you afford the procedures needed to achieve your best smile with our MINT Discount Plan.

Superior Oral Health

Gum disease can damage your smile and cause your oral health to suffer. When periodontal disease gets caught in the periodontitis stage, we can generally treat the condition with scaling and root planing treatment. Contact MINT dentistry in Decatur, GA to learn more about gum disease treatments and to schedule your consultation. We look forward to surpassing your expectations and helping you achieve a healthy, luminous smile.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.